Spoons is the second best game ever!

At camp I learned this really cool card game called Spoons. What you need is one deck of cards and one less spoon than the number of people playing. How you play is you set the spoons in a row and deal four cards to every player. You will still have cards left over so decide who gets to start with them. The person who is starting with the rest of the cards takes one from the top and looks at it. If he/she does not like it then pass it on to the right. If he/she does like it they put it in the hand and take out another card from their hand. This card then gets passed to the right. The person on the right decides if they like the card or not. If they like it, they take the card and pass another to the right. This is a fast game and the first person keeps taking cards to keep or pass. The cards that have been passed around once keep getting passed around till a person grabs a spoon.

Once you have four of a kind you can take a spoon. But even if you don’t have four of a kind and someone else takes a spoon you can too.  The person without a spoon loses and one spoon is taken out for the next round, like musical chairs.If this helped please leave a comment. 🙂


How to make tools and weapons.

In this blog post I will tell and show you how to make tools and weapons. First of all, you need to make a crafting table. In order to make one, you press E and it will open your inventory. In the top right corner you will see 4 squares. You take 4 wood planks and put them in the 4 squares. How you make wood planks is you take a wood block and put it in one of the 4 squares. Now that you have your crafting table you need to make a pickax. You can make wood picks, stone picks, iron picks, gold picks, diamond picks. Each one,  has different durability and mines faster. A wood pick is the worst and a diamond pick is the best. Any ore you find (except emerald) can make a pickaxe. 

Here is a video on how to make basic tools( by me!) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I3jCSAYS9XA

Here is another video because I forgot some things in my other video. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yHGzeTTAdZA&feature=youtu.be


This time we will be talking about blocks. Like the real world when a Minecraft world is generated, there are layers. The first layer is dirt,then there is stone, then bedrock which can not be broken.

In the stone layer there are ores.  The ores are coal, iron, gold, redstone, and diamonds. When you destroy stone, you get cobblestone. You can find all those ores on different levels. Coal is very easy to find. You can find it at any cave at any level. Iron is just a bit harder to find. You can find it at around layer 50 and below. Gold is harder to find and is around layer 40 and below. Redstone is very hard to find you can find Redstone at around layer 24 and below diamonds are very, very, very, very hard to find and are best found at around layer 13 and below.

To find out what layer you are at you have to make a map. Which is a compass surrounded with paper.  To know what layer you are at, you look at the top right corner and you see x, y, and z. You look at the x and depending what level you are at, it will show that number. Then there are trees and ground level. To start any Minecraft survival world you need to start by chopping down trees. You can do that with just your fists. For more detailed information about blocks and how to make stuff go to http://minecraft.gamepedia.com for more about Minecraft. Also in the layers there is gravel, which if the block under it is broken will fall and sand will do that to. In the next blog we will be talking about what certain blocks do.

New computer game


Ewok!! (Photo credit: partymonstrrrr)

Today I found this really cool computer game called Ewok village. You can play it at starwars.com. The game is cool because you can build stuff. You have to try to keep the Ewoks happy by building, dormitories  playhouses and kitchens. Every time you get a certain number of Ewoks, you either get a wonder, or better type of house to keep your Ewoks happy. When you hear a horn blow, it means that an Ewok isn’t happy and is leaving to go to another village.

I like the game because it is fun and I like building stuff. I also like Star Wars.   I didn’t like that  when you try to move the screen, you glide for a bit and then you have to move back, but you can use the arrow keys.