Minecraft for Dummies (mummies) 3 What to do with blocks

How to make tools and weapons.

In this blog post I will tell and show you how to make tools and weapons. First of all, you need to make a crafting table. In order to make one, you press E and it will open your inventory. In the top right corner you will see 4 squares. You take 4 wood planks and put them in the 4 squares. How you make wood planks is you take a wood block and put it in one of the 4 squares. Now that you have your crafting table you need to make a pickax. You can make wood picks, stone picks, iron picks, gold picks, diamond picks. Each one,  has different durability and mines faster. A wood pick is the worst and a diamond pick is the best. Any ore you find (except emerald) can make a pickaxe. 

Here is a video on how to make basic tools( by me!) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I3jCSAYS9XA

Here is another video because I forgot some things in my other video. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yHGzeTTAdZA&feature=youtu.be

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